Alaska is called as mid night sun because of it's position in Arctic Circle,latitude 66°33' north.
- When the sun is located above the horizon for a full 24 hours,it is called as summer solstice and when it is located below the the horizon for a full 24 hours, it is called winter Solstice.
- In Alaska, sun travels at 360° direction in the sky thus Alaska receives 24 hour of light during summer time.
is a clastic sedimentary rock. A clastic sedimentary rock is composed of silicate
minerals and rock fragments. They are transported by moving fluids such as
sedimentation due to gravity and are deposited in the area where it stays. They
are composed mostly of feldspar, quartz, rock (lithic) fragments, clay minerals
and mica.</span>
Answer: A moko on the face is the ultimate statement of one's identity as a Māori. The head is believed to be the most sacred part of the body. To wear the moko on the face is to bear an undeniable declaration of who you are.
Ganymede is the biggest and the most massive moon of the planet Jupiter. It has a metallic core. It moves in an orbital path around the planet Jupiter and orbits every 6-7 days. Half of the moon is comprised of silicate rocky materials and half of it is made up of water ice. Out of all the moons, Ganymede has the highest rock composition.
Europa is one of the moons of Jupiter. It is even smaller than the earth's natural satellite (moon). The core of this moon is made up of iron and nickel, along with some silicate materials but they are extremely in a lesser amount in comparison to the earth's core. Europa's surface is comprised of ice and water is present in a significant amount below the surface.