The students of the UNAM do not live (live) a very large university. 74 study courses. in student residences. the biggest (biggest) city in Latin America. 2. Mexico, D.F. It is a very big university. 74 study courses. in student residences. the biggest (biggest) city in Latin America. 3. The UNAM is a very large university. 74 study courses. in student residences. the biggest (biggest) city in Latin America. 4. The UNAM offers a very large university. 74 study courses. in student residences. the biggest (biggest) city in Latin America.
I translated I hope it was somewhat helpful to understand.
1. Este reloj en la mesa es de mi madre como un regalo. 2. Quiero algo nuevo de la tienda a mi no me gusta este reloj pero ese reloj esta bien. 3. El reloj aquello de mi, me da asco en las colores. 4. Estaba buscando para ese collar por una semana. 5. Aquel collar esta tan caro. 6. Este asiento es para ti. 7. Ese collar por la mayoria de personas es lo mismo como todos. (Hope I helped, I never learned from the book but by my environment.)
Pink dress room......................
Its false because many tourists visit there than other places.