Reality is based on chances and circumstances
Currently our continents are move about 1-2 inches towards each other every year. over the course of many years we could end up colliding with other contries which would cause new mountain ranges and another supercontinent.
a. Scott does not like feeling sweaty, so he rarely does any moderate or vigorous physical activity--- Individual factor
b. Kirstin's new boytriend loves to salsa dance, and now she goes out dancing with him two nights a week--- Environmental factor
c. Brian eats mostly fast food because there is not a grocery store close to his apartment--- Environmental factor
d. Tanya never saw her parents have a disagreement and, as a result she avoids conflict in her close personal relationships--- Environmental factor
e. Dave has hated green vegetables since he was three years old--- Personal factor.
Ocean floor subducts under continents because the ocean floor is softer and the crust in here is with lesser density and thickness, while the continents are harder because their crust is thicker and has bigger density. So when they collide, the softer ocean floor is pushed downwards by the harder continental crust.