July 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918 which is 2 years,4 months and 17 days
The impact of Brexit on the European Union results in social and economic changes to the Union, but also longer term political and institutional shifts. The extent of these effects remain somewhat speculative until the precise terms of the United Kingdom's post-Brexit relationship with the EU becomes clear.
Destroy build destroy get cancelled because of low rating in the cartoon network real shows. It is an american live action reality series on cartoon network which is an unusual type of a game show that two teams will destroy a random thing and construct vehicles from it and then the winner will abolish the loser group formation. The show initially premiered as portion of a line of live action reality series termed cartoon network real which aired in 2009. The series premiered on June 20, 2009 and has finished its run on September 21, 2011.<span />