Alimony takes into account, number of years of marriage, assets owned by each spouse, debt of either party, each party's contribution to the relationship and mental and physical health of spouse. It doesn't take into account the extra-marital affairs etc.
Answer: give her a warning
play cod with me tonight or your going to court
ill as anwser if your still there
So right off the bat Model UN is a simulation of UN organizations such as the UN General Assembly, UN Security Council, UNICEF, and others. Its participants take the roles of ambassadors from various countries and debate current issues. Model UN was developed in the 1950s as a way to give students hands-on learning in international relations, diplomacy, and the United Nations. Over 400,000 students around the world participate in Model UN each year.
Now what do MUN participants do?
If you join Model UN, you will be doing a variety of activities, including researching, debating, and coming up with solutions with members of other countries. These simulations occur at Model UN conferences, which can be regional, national, or international. Conferences can have anywhere from 30 to over 3,000 participants.
Before conference:
In order to prepare for conferences, delegates must study the country and the issue they have been assigned and become well-informed on both. Most conferences require you to write a position paper that outlines your country’s position on the topic as well as suggestions you have for how to resolve the issue.
During the conference:
Students will be organized based on the committees or councils they are part of, so all the members of the ECLAC would meet together. Each group will have a chair who will moderate the discussions. The chair is often an older student or adult. Delegates then give a speech outlining their country’s position on the issues and offering possible solutions. Most of this information will come from your position paper. After each delegate has presented their country’s position and potential solutions, there are question and answer sessions and debates (known as “caucusing”).
The main goal during the conference is for your committee to develop a written resolution. After you have discussed different countries’ viewpoints, debated, and agreed on solutions, the entire group will work together to write the resolution. The resolution will explain the issue your committee is focusing on and give a series of guidelines in order to solve it.