A. Individualist
Explanation in previous answer :)
Body Mass Index or BMI is a unit that widely used to determine the nutritional status of someone. You can find BMI by dividing the body mass with the square of height. This measurement is more accurate than the mass alone since it uses height. But this measurement is not good for an athlete since they have more muscle mass. Their BMI will be higher and make them seems overweight but the excess comes from the muscle mass, not the fat.
The main difference between these two terms is that a concurring opinion agrees with the majority decision, but for different legal reasons, while a dissenting opinion explains why one or more justices disagree with the majority. Each of which tends to ocurr often in court cases where various judges analyze and pass judgment of another judges decision on a specific case. With a concurring opinion most, if not all, judges agree with the decision that has been made but tend to give different reasons as to why they believe the decision was justified.