The GCF is the smallest shared prime factor for each term.
The LCM is the smallest whole number that both numbers share as multiples.
For example, take #16.
Factors of 25: 1 , 5, 25
Factors of 75: 1 , 3, 5, 15, 25 ,75
The GCF that is shared would then be 25.
The smallest multiple that both share as multiples:
Multiples of 25: 25, 50, 75, etc.
Multiples of 75: 75, etc.
The LCM that is shared would then be 75.
16) 25 and 75
GCF: 25
LCM: 75
17) 35 and 5
GCF: 5
LCM: 35
18) 27 and 36
GCF: 9
LCM: 108
19) 21 and 56
GCF: 7
LCM: 168
20) 54 and 72
GCF: 18
LCM: 216
It looks like a rotation of 270 degrees counter-clockwise and a dilation (enlargement) of 2 times.
Hope this helps answer your question!
(1) Reuse; (2) Recycle ; (3) Reduce
Step-by-step explanation:
The ideal sequence would be:
1) Use it again (reuse) if the object still serves its intended purpose/s
2) If not possible to the used again, send it to a recycling plant to extract from it items/parts/substance of utility for other new products
3) if it cannot be reused or recycled, the last option will be to reduce it completely.
1. The information given in the problem above, is:
- Austin purchases <span>2/3 of a pound of yum yum treats.
- Y</span><span>um yum treats are $6.00 per pound (1 pound=$6.00).
2. Keeping this on mind you have: If 1 pound of </span>yum yum treats is $6.00, how much is 2/3 of a pound?
1 pound------------$6.00
2/3 of a pound----x
Therefore: How much does Austin pay?
The answer is: Austin pays $4.00.