Indians that were born into a caste remained in that caste into their deaths therefore this statement is "true" or the first option. A caste is a social system that separates and organizes people into a certain social club which shows where they work. Starts from teachers and goes down all the way to street cleaners and the system was later prohibited by Grandi.
Hope this helps.
I need to know the context of the situation. if this is now then its completely different from say the 1870's or late 19th century
The factory system is a method of manufacturing using machinery and division of labour. Because of the high capital cost of machinery and factory buildings, factories were typically privatized and owned by wealthy individuals who employed the operative labour. Use of machinery with the division of labour reduced the required skill level of workers and also increased the output per worker.
The factory system was first adopted in Britain at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century and later spread around the world.[1] It replaced the putting-out system. The main characteristic of the factory system is the use of machinery, originally powered by water or steam and later by electricity. Other characteristics of the system mostly derive from the use of machinery or economies of scale, the centralization of factories, and standardization of interchangeable parts.
With new technology it made it easier for economies to grow. Politicians could use the technology to give them advantages in elections. Technology also makes it easier for countries to communicate with each other.