A boon. A boon is a thing that is helpful or beneficial.
Europe is rich in its cultural diversity and this paved way for the human development in Europe.
The chief factors of human development in Europe were income, education and health. Lowest level of poverty is found in Nordic countries and in Western Europe. There is also a decline in the values of long term unemployment in Nordic and Anglo-phonic countries which made Europe stand superior in the sphere of human development.
Gender empowerment also determines the factor of human development in Europe. There is an extent of rising inequality based on gender bias but there are essential laws which strictly offer protection to the women. There is also an increase in the life expectancy of Europeans but the mortality rate tend to vary and morbidity or the sick and age old adults tend to rise in Europe.
"To the west it is connected to the Da Hinggan Range by the Yilehuli Mountains, which run northwest-southeast for some 375 miles (600 km). ... Although the two ranges have similar names, the Xiao Hinggan is a completely different mountain system from the Da Hinggan (Greater Khingan)."
‘Allah is the name Muslims use for the supreme and unique God, who created and rules everything. The heart of faith for all Muslims is obedience to Allah's will. Allah has always existed and will always exist. Allah knows everything that can be known.’ - From the BBC
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the broadest qauntitative messure of a Nations total economic activity. more specifically (GPD) represents monetary value of all Goods and services produce within a Nations Geographic borders over specified period of time