According to Walter Mischel, Sheen's behavior should make us more cautious about overemphasizing the impact of personality traits on behavior.
Walter Mischel's theory was created in 1968, it states that an individual has influenced by the two things they are the specific attributes of a situation and a manner on how he perceives the situation.
i dont think so maybe......
When Sally used to tantrum in the grocery store, her mother would buy her a sweet treat to get Sally to stop tantrumming. Her parents decided this might not be the best course of action, so now when Sally starts throwing a tantrum in the grocery store, she is completely ignored no matter how big of a fit she throws or which parent is present. Her parents are using an extinction procedure.
The galatians derailed on their understanding of how sinners are justified. false teachers in galatia taught that one was justified by doing physical works of some kind. church members in galatia were turning away from the true gospel and had embraced a false one.