Answer: all of these characteristics
all of these characteristics or afformentioned.
Symbolic Interactionist
Symbolic interactionist is also called symbolic interaction. It is a major framework of social psychology. The perspective work on the symbolic meaning that people develop and build upon social psychology. The meaning of symbol perspective that to give subjective meaning people address to the objects, meaning, behavior and events. So that society is to be constructed by the people's interpretation of the world. Even people interpret others' behavior and those behavior develop a bond in society. this interpretation called the definition of the situation.
For example, why do people smoke even they know it is dangerous for health. The answer is that people create the situation. People often teach the children about smoking but they think that it is cool and swag and they are safe from harm and even the impact on their younger siblings a positive effect regarding smoking.
Answer and Explanation:
I would be a perfect candidate for FIT because I have been interested in fashion since I was a child and since then I have dedicated myself to studying this sector more and more and improving my design skills. Since my adolescence I have made my own fashion creations and I believe that I will be able to perfect them and become a great professional in this segment at FIT.
My interest in the course is to become a great fashion designer, learn more about the composition and making of clothes, styles, fabrics, designs and everything else that the course can offer me. I believe that this is the best option for my career and that I will have great experiences.