By using words like "and, but, and or" you can connect two sentences or thoughts.
decide which goals the organization will pursue and what strategies will achieve those goals.
To perform the planning task, managers identify and select appropriate organizational goals and courses of action; they develop strategies for how to achieve high performance. The three steps involved in the planning area
(1) deciding which goals the organization will pursue,
(2) deciding what strategies to adopt to attain those goals, and
(3) deciding how to allocate organizational resources to pursue the strategies that attain those goals. How well managers plan and develop strategies determines how effective and efficient the organization is—its performance level.
Old Stock
The Dividend Reinvestment Plan is a platform where investors or shareholders in a company, reinvest the dividends they gained into more shares sold by the same company, most times without having to pay commissions.
Under the <em>Old stock dividend reinvestment plan, </em>an outside trustee, that is, a member of the board who is not an officer in the company, repurchases the company's existing shares in the stock market and then allocates the shares purchased among the stockholders. They sell the shares at market price. Most times, in order to encourage shareholders participation the company making the repurchase takes care of the commission fees.
The answer would be the stock price will decrease. The reason behind this is the original price replicates an expectation or looking forward of a 25% upsurge in the company’s earnings. The actual increase is a dissatisfaction compared to original expectations.