Personally, I've had to do a few of those before, and it's not fun.
I would recommend splitting up the work, if you have some extra time doing some more of it, not loading it all up on the last day.
And if you have any questions, don't just stay confused about it, search it up somewhere or ask it on Brainly.
If the packet has any explanation pages, I would also read those because those are helpful when completing the exercises.
It is a logical process, that will begin at the top and work it's way down. A conclusion is based and many different theories that are usually assumed to be true or correct.
Well depending on the story, you could have asked all of em, but mostly you should use D) What will the readers reaction be to my story? because if this is a school thing, your teacher is going to be reading 30 of the (most likely) similar or same thing. or A) What was the purpose of my story, and did I achieve that purpose? Is because Teachers use a grading scale and they may use your story as an example to another class on what to do or what not to do, so you may want to be careful.