" ... Why to a public count I might not go. Is the great love the general gender bear him. Who, dipping all his faults in their affection ... "
Not verbatim, but that part is the answer. I got it correct on Plato, if you're concerned about that.
Misperceptions can lead to miscommunication when there is a negative bias towards someone.
- Misperception brings about miscommunication because when there's an incorrect interpretation about a particular thing, it leads to miscommunication.
- Misperception simply means an incorrect interpretation. It's a mistaken belief or interpretation about a particular thing. On the other hand, miscommunication is when there's a failure for a person to communicate properly with others. It should be noted that misperception can result in miscommunication.
- For example, poor listening skills or negativity bias effects can lead to misperception, and this further causes miscommunication.
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I really don't know but sorry
Jack saw a dragon with sharp green claws.
He had hot red fire squirting from his huge nose.