The ground shakes so hard, and people get hurt
Interpreters who work in community settings with participants from disparate cultural backgrounds may confront difficulties conveying the source message into the target message accurately due to cross-cultural differences. Such cross-cultural differences can range from pragmalinguistic differences at the discourse level of speech to sociopragmatic differences, which go beyond the utterances. When confronted with such instances, interpreters are almost always unsure of how to react and of what is expected of them. The few studies that have looked at cross-cultural differences in community interpreting clearly show that there is no consistency in the way interpreters approach potential cross-cultural misunderstandings. This paper will present the results of a section of a questionnaire of a larger study, which asked practising legal interpreters whether they alert judicial officers and tribunal members of potential cross-cultural differences, and which also asked judicial officers and tribunal members about their expectations of interpreters in such situations. The results point to a need for greater guidance and clearer protocols for interpreters working in the legal system.
In 1845 he began his famous two-year stay on Walden Pond, which he wrote about in his master work, Walden. He also became known for his beliefs in Transcendentalism and civil disobedience, and was a dedicated abolitionist.
How could the headline best be revised to make it objective?
✔ Valido’s Conduct under Review
How could the first sentence of the article be revised to improve objectivity?
✔ by removing "unpopular" and "conservative"
How could the reporter balance Senator Saud’s comments to make the article more objective?
✔ by adding a comment from a Republican senator
(Photo for proof at the bottom.)
Objective means non-biased, or free of opinions. Replacing the original headline with "Valido’s Conduct under Review" could be more objective because it does not have bribery in the name. Bribery has a negative connotation and putting it in a title is possibly attacking a person. That is my best guess for this answer, I think the original title is already objective.
Removing "unpopular" and "conservative" improves objectivity because unpopular is an opinionated word that can be used to attack someone. Conservative seems to have a negative connotation in this case, so it could be biased. Reporting information from both sides also improves objectivity, as it shows you're not leaning towards one side.
Here's a photo of Edge just incase.
He argues that the overall meaning of Shakespeare’s work has changed as society itself has changed