Yes, it is. To find this out, you need to make the denominators the same. They can both multiply into 15, so we change the denominators to 15. Whatever we do to the bottom, we also have to do to the top.
2/3 = 10/15
1/5 = 3/15
We can then see that 10 is more than 3 :)
Step-by-step explanation:
We are asked to find the number of five-card hands (drawn from a standard deck) that contain exactly three fives.
The number of ways, in which 3 fives can be picked out of 4 available fives would be 4C3. The number of ways in which 2 non-five cards can be picked out of the 48 available non-five cards would be 48C2.
We can choose exactly three fives from five-card hands in ways.
Therefore, 4512 five card hands contain exactly three fives.
There were 54 sporting events in the year 1896 hosted by the competition
What is the function to determine the number of events in 1896?
The fact that events which are 301 sporting events in 2012 are 256 more than that of the events in 1896, means that the number of events in 1896 is 256 less than that of 2012
number of events in 1896=number of events in 2012-256
number of events in 2012=310
number of events in 1896=310-256
number of events in 1896=54 events
Find out more about more about number operations
Step-by-step explanation:
Given the linear regression of Y: "Annual salary" as a function of X: "Mean score on teaching evaluation" of a population of university professors. It is desired to study whether student evaluations are related to salaries.
The population equation line is
E(Y)= β₀ + β₁X
Using the information of a n= 100 sample, the following data was calculated:
R²= 0.23
Coefficient Standard Error
Intercept 25675.5 11393
x 5321 2119
The estimated equation is
^Y= 25675.5 + 5321X
Now if the interest is to test if the teaching evaluation affects the proffesor's annual salary, the hypotheses are:
H₀: β = 0
H₁: β ≠ 0
There are two statistic you can use to make this test, a Student's t or an ANOVA F.
Since you have information about the estimation of β you can calculate the two tailed t test using the formula:
= 25.1109
The p-value is two-tailed, and is the probability of getting a value as extreme as the calculated under the distribution
p-value < 0.00001
I hope it helps!
The correct answer for this question is letter C, because then you know that PS = SR, QS = QS (of course) and PQ=QR (given), then triangles are congruent and thus angle QPS equals angle QRS and the triangle PQR is then isosceles