The Functions of Schemas:
1. Schemas help us to quickly interpret and categorize information. They allow us to make sense of the world around us by organizing it into meaningful categories and providing us with a framework for understanding and interpreting new information.
Problems with Schemas:
1. Schemas can lead to oversimplification and premature closure. Once we have a schema in place, we may be inclined to assume that it is the only way to interpret a situation or to assume that all new information will fit into the same categories. This can lead to inaccurate interpretations or assumptions.
What is Schemas?
Schemas are mental structures that help organize and interpret information. They are used to interpret sensory information, organize memories, and make predictions about the future. Schemas provide a framework for understanding and interpreting the world around us. They influence the way we perceive, think, and act. Schemas are often developed through experience and can be used to guide behavior. They can also be used to understand how people create meaning in their lives. Schemas are constantly evolving and changing as we encounter new experiences. They help us make sense of the world around us and can be used to explain why people behave the way they do.
To learn more about Schemas
You don't need sugar for energy. Carbo hydrates and protiens gets converted into glucose for energy. Whereas if you eat sugar it will mess with your glucose level in blood. It is linked with diseases and health hazards such as type 2 diabetes, heart diseases,obesity,cognitive dysfunction in children, aging faster,etc.
Morever as you age your body can't handle too much spike in blood sugar leading to t2d(insulin resistivity /low production of insulin).
Also as sugar crosses brain barrier easily, it will cause several brain diseases eventually.
A thimble is the correct answer
Education empowers a person by creating more employment opportunities, securing a higher income, developing problem-solving skills, and by providing a a prosperous happy life.
Education empowers a person by opening doors to the job market, combating inequality, fostering solidarity, and promoting environmental stewardship. Education empowers people with the knowledge, skills and values they need to thrive and build a better world.