In these days we can kindle a fire without any trouble, because we can easily get a match
opposite meanings
the relationship between the words appetizer and dessert is of having opposite meanings. althought both can be considered part of a full three-part meal, they have opposite order to beserved : an appetizer is a small amount of food eaten before a meal or as the first part of it. a dessert is a sweet food eaten at the end of a meal.
In the sentence pattern for asking questions, the subject is placed immediately after the operator (Operator [did, does, was] + Subject) while in the sentence pattern for making statements, the subject is placed before the verb phrase (Subject + VP). However, some statements may be in question form (You've already eaten?) and some questions (such as rhetorical ones) may be in statement form (Haven't you peed already?).
Mainly because of racism and sexism.