Stating when and how often you will do the steps ,because when you state when and how often you will participate in your action plan, you basically are making a promise to yourself to reach that goal. It is critical to do that because then you know exactly what you will be doing, how you will be doing it, and when you will be doing it.
For the oxygen created and for the ridding of CO2 that is "used up" in the process
No matter how much you want to help, you should not enter the house. If you do, you will be putting yourself at risk. There is no telling what might happen if you do. The threats must be serious.
You are putting yourself in danger if you choose to go inside. Though chest pain is a serious condition you should wait till help arrives.
The voices and verbal threats you heard are enough to make you believe that something is wrong. You can find out what's going on by calling the police and waiting for them to arrive.
This situation is not an isolated incident. In the past few years, there have been many cases of intruders being killed by homeowners.
Well, you have two options, either throw up now and not worry about it later (this relieves pain too), otherwise, just drink something and have something to eat. Don't try anything too sugary like one of those Starbucks unicorn drinks (I don't know if they still exist but hey, just a warning!). Try a soda or just plain water. For something to eat, try a corndog or something that you like. Most people like pizza, so try a nice greasy pizza!