Bad songs but try the artist kid rock
Answer: im not sure what's the length is
Explanation:it looks like u have to divide and muiltply by the numbers u have.
To what looks like the first question a foundation for pop music is to have a strong bace, then add some treble and vocals. If I personally was making a self portrait I would use purple brown and my skin color. I chose purple because its my favorite color and I like to dye my hair it. I chose brown because its the color of my roots and eyes. And obviously the color of my skin because well it would probably look weird without skin lol. I think the dark colors may make it look a bit depressing but oh well. A chef needs serten tools to cook like knifes, pans and measuring utensils, like cups and tablespoons/teaspoons. Sadly I can't answer the last two. Hope the other answers helped though.
I believe the correct answer is: song cycle.
The collection of art songs, unified
by poet, narrative, musical style, or composer are called song cycle or program
music for instrumental music associated with story, poem, idea, or scene. First
song cycle was “Il Canzoniere” or “Rime Sparse” written by Italian humanist
poet Francesco Petrarca to his belove Laura.