A. They colonized america with with many great colonies
Several advances in science and technology led to lower death rates in 18th century Europe and North America:
New scientific knowledge of the causes of disease led to improved water supplies, sewers, and personal hygiene.
Better farming techniques and machines increased the food supply.
The Industrial Revolution of the 1800s led to new sources of energy, such as coal and electricity. This increased the efficiency of the new agricultural machines. It also led to train transport, which improved the distribution of food.
For all these reasons, death rates fell, especially in children. This allowed many more children to survive to adulthood, so birth rates increased. As the gap between birth and death rates widened, the human population grew faster.
With better food and less chance of disease, the death rate fell. More children lived long enough to reach adulthood and have children of their own
The Hungarian Revolution of 1956
This book was called How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis in 1890. This book documented the lives of poor immigrants living in cramped tenements in dirty slums in New York.