1. During DNA replication, an open section of DNA, in which a DNA polymerase can replicate DNA, is called a replication fork.
2. After replication is complete, the new DNAs, called daughter DNAs, are identical to each other.
3. The enzyme that can replicate DNA is called DNA polymerase.
4. Okazaki fragmentsare the short sections of DNA that are synthesized on the lagging strand of the replicating DNA.
5. The new DNA strand that grows continuously in the 5' to 3' direction is called the leading strand.
DNA replication is a process that occurs during the interphase (S phase) of the cell cycle and in which DNA is replicated. DNA replication is semiconservative which means that each strand in the double helix (leading strand and lagging strand) acts as a template for synthesis of a new, complementary strand that will become daughter DNA.
DNA polymerase is the main enzyme of the DNA synthesis: it requires primer (short sequence of DNA) for the initiation and it performs its function only in one direction 5'-3'. Other enzymes involved in DNA replication are DNA primase, DNA helicase, DNA ligase, and topoisomerase.
MycolicWhat are the components of acid alcohol?Prevent contamination of the smear by the stain pptWhat is the purpose of placing a filter paper on the glass slide?<span>1. Flood with carbolfuchsin. Heat until steam is given off for about 5 min
2. Allow to stand for more 5 min w/o heating. Remove the filter paper
3. Decolorize with acid alcohol while continously agitating the slide, then wash with water
4. Counterstain with methylen blue for 30 sec., wash with water then let it dry</span>Discuss the procedure in using ziehl-neelsen methodRedWhat is the color of an acid fast bacteria?Blue/greenWhat is the color of non-acid fast bacteria?<span>4g basic fuchsin
20 ml of 95% ethanol
8 ml phenol
100 ml distilled water</span>What are the components of kinyoun's carbolfuchsin?<span>1. Flood the smear with kinyoun's for about 5.min
2. Rinse with deionized water
3. Decolorize to faint pink color with acid alcohol for 3 min
4. Rinse again with deionized water
5. Flood with methylene blue for (4min), dry and examine under OIO</span>Discuss the procedure in using kinyoun's methodHorizontal or vertical scanningWhat is the proper way or direction of reading your stained smear?Horizontal scanningWhat is known as standard scanning?Pappenheims methodIn what method we use rosalic acid and alcohol as decolorizer?ColorlessWhat is the reaction of Mycobacterium smegmantis when rosalic acid and alcohol was added as decolorizer in pappenheims method?Diluted alcholic fuchsinWhat is use as stain i youe baumgarten's method?Red
Las especies invasoras son animales, plantas u otros organismos que se desarrollan fuera de su área de distribución natural, en hábitats que no le son propios o con una abundancia inusual, produciendo alteraciones en la riqueza y diversidad de los ecosistemas. Cuando son transportados e introducidos por el ser humano en lugares fuera de su área de distribución natural, consiguiendo establecerse y dispersarse en la nueva región se les denomina especies exóticas invasoras resultando normalmente muy dañinas
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