d. Digital rectal examination and PSA testing have been proven ineffective.
The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system and is usually the shape and size of a walnut. Current methods to determine if a prostate has become cancerous include a physical exam (known as a digital rectal exam or DRE), magnetic resonance imaging, a biopsy, or tests to determine prostate-specific chemical antigen (PSA) levels in the blood.
Prostate cancer is considered a cancer of the elderly, since most cases are registered in men over 60 years. The most effective techniques for screening for this cancer are annual screening exams - which include the blood-drawn PSA test and digital rectal touch - are recommended for all men aged 50 and over.
because the stars dont move the earth does
The correct answer is Option (B) Habituation.
Crocodiles ignore the birds which clean their teeth instead of eating them. This is an example of habituation.
<h3>Why do crocodiles show habituation toward the birds which clean their teeth?</h3>
It's an evolutionary phenomenon that when a bird used to sit in a crocodile’s mouth, the crocodile didn't eat it, instead, the crocodile used to allow the bird to sit in the mouth and clean the teeth of the crocodile so that they can alive longer, whereas the birds could get the free food from the crocodile’s mouth. It is an example of the symbiotic relationship between the two.
So, the same is the case today, crocodiles are habituated to the fact that the birds will clean their teeth so instead of eating them, these birds are being ignored by the crocodiles.
To know more about crocodiles visit:
It allows them to save energy
Hibernation is a behavioral adaptation that involves physiological changes to survive during wither months. These physiological changes can include a decrease in body temperature, respiratory/heart rate and metabolism. The main purpose for which animals enter hibernation is to conserve energy, thereby surviving adverse climatic conditions and/or periods when food is scarce. Some examples of true hibernators (i.e., animals that enter into a state of minimal activity) include bats, hedgehogs, allies, squirrels, marmots, etc.
I believe that in developed nations, the nutrients that are most lacking in a child's diet are the; calcium, iron and zinc. Zinc is needed for the activity of more than 100 different enzymes in the body and plays a role in the immune function. It aids in the maintenance of healthy immune function in kids and may reduce the frequency of mild upper respiratory tract infections. Calcium keeps the bones healthy and teeth thus supporting the skeletal structure and function. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin.