<span>abba abba cdcdcd
This is a traditional Petrarchan Sonnet Rhyme Scheme, and even though not all lines are perfect rhymes, they are close enough.
For example the rhymes for lines 1, 4, 5, and 8 are borne, worn, turn, forlorn. "turn" is not a perfect rhyme with the 'orn' sound, but it fits in well enough to fill out the rhyme scheme. </span>
Individual steps in a case should be written in the form e. Subject, Verb, Direct Object, Preposition, Indirect Object.
A use case implies the description of an action or activity. In other words, it involves a description of the actions that a a person will have to do in order to carry out a process. The syntactic structure of the instructions should always be in the direct form, so as to be clear and avoid any mistakes in the process. For example:
"In case of emergency, (you) [Implicit Subject] <u>use</u> [Verb] <u>the hammer</u> [Direct Object] to break <u>the glass </u>[Indirect Object]"
Fever Pitch is an autobiography, so it is about the writer.
The book is about the author's relationship with football, and about football matches that the author watched. So the book is technically about football.
The Animal Farm Propaganda shows the German war between the nazis and the Jews.
napolean and snowball's rule represents how the Nazis tricked young boys into joining them in war.