i think its translation complexity
Name box
From the picture, the name box is at the top left corner with B1 written inside, here B1 is written because it is the active cell at the time which also happens to be the first cell of the selected range. The name box can be used to easily create a named ranges rather Than having to draw the mouse over a group of cells. It also helps to know which cell is the current active cell as the cell address in the name box is the active cell at any point in time.
Like an actual video game or the one where you would play during recess then get in trouble when someone got hurt
Semaphores carries the signal between the task and interrupts that does not carry any type of additional data in the embedded system. A semaphore is used as synchronization object and helps in maintain the value between zero and the specific higher value.
It basically reduced the value each time and complete the semaphore object in the embedded system. Binary semaphores is the main type of semaphore that invoke activation of the task.