Many network and communication protocols require bit stuffing for the following purposes: to avoid the interpretation of data as control information. For example, with six consecutive 1 bits, X.25 uses the bit stuffing,signal the beginning and end of a frame.
High-level Data link control (HDLC) is a bit-oriented protocol for point-to-point and multi-point communication.P/F bits are present in HDLC control field.
So,Yes bit stuffing is necessary in control field.
#4 is quick access tool bar #7 is zoom bar #2ribbon #5 scroll bars #6 title bar #1contextual bars #3 ruler
Physical and data link layer.
The ethernet cable is used at the physical layer. The physical layer consists of hardware components. This layer is responsible for transmission of data bits between two nodes via a physical wire. The data link layer provides the means in which data packets are transmitted from one node to another.
Suppose two computers (A & B) are directly connected through Ethernet cable. A is sending data to B, the packets would be sent from computer A to computer B if computer B is free if not it would wait until computer B is not transmitting before it can start sending data packets to computer B.