The Miranda warning used by law enforcement lists several different things that citizens are entitled to including:
1) The right to remain silent- Individuals are warned that anything they say can be used against them in a court of law.
2) Right to an attorney- Individuals can have legal counsel with them throughout the process.
Individuals who are being arrested for a crime are made aware of these rights. This warning allows individuals to understand what the procedures are after the arrest and what rights they have throughout the process. These rights are used as a means to ensure that the suspect understands what is happening and it prevents law enforcement officials from violating a citizens rights.
I feel you my teacher made me do kind of the same thing if I help you help me
He chose to bomb Hiroshima because the other option of invading japan would lead to more bloodshed than the bomb itself could do.
it was also used to weaken their industries in Hiroshima and strong-arm the japanese into surrendering.
hope this helped a little
There were way more jobs in the city and the similar immigrants could cluster together and support eachother