The other items you could have purchased with your $50
Opportunity cost represent the loss of potential benefit that occurs when you choose an alternative decision. This concept is usually used by businesses during their budget allocation process in order to find out the best way how to spend their capital.
On the example above, You receive $50 as a birthday gift. That $50 can be used for anything. You can choose to use it to purchase games, clothing, foods, etc. But you decided to spent it on wallpaper. By purchasing the ability you lose the opportunity to buy any of those other things. This loss is what considered as opportunity cost.
Heathcliff so eager for Cathy and Linton to marry before Edgar dies so that she can help him rise and leave her brother’s power.
Heathcliff is one of the main fictional character in the famous novel Wuthering heights, who is mostly known for his romantic situation with his lover Catherine Earnshaw. However, regardless of his strong feelings, Heathcliff insisted that Cathy and Linton marry and this is due to several reasons.
Around the half of the novel, the character of Heathcliff started changing and developed into an angry, disturbed, unhappy and hostile man. Therefore, the first idea that came into Cathy’s mind was helping him by marrying Lincoln before the death of Edgar. By that, Edgar could use his connection to aid her true lover Heathcliff instead of marrying him as she had no money and having no future with him.
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FDR wanted the US to join the Allied powers because of his sympathies to the British however before the attacks on Pearl Harbor when polled on going to war only 7-14 percent of Americans favored going to war. We now he had these sympathies because of his communications with Prime Minister Winston Churchill because they had created a friendship so FDR knew the situation the British were in so he lobbied congress to allow the US to at least do Lend Lease and also getting rid of bans in about the selling of arms to powers at war.
Each British colony had its representative in London (colonial agent). In the American colonies, from the very beginning of their creation, the foundations of self-government were laid. In all types of colonies, there were three of them: royal, proprietary and corporate. The Governor personified the power of the sovereign, the Council, or the upper house of the Assembly - the aristocratic power, the House of Representatives - the democratic one. The governors of corporate colonies were elected by assemblies; in the property colonies, governors were appointed by owners of the colonies, and in the royal ones, respectively, by the English king.
South Carolina, which existed from 1663 to 1712, was controlled by the Lords-proprietors - a group of eight English nobles, informally led by Anthony Ashley-Cooper (1st Earl of Shaftesbury). Dissatisfaction with the administration of the colony led to the appointment of the vice-governor in 1691, who controlled the northern part of the colony. The owner of South Carolina, John Archdale, bought this colony in 1691 from the widow of the former owner, Sir William Berkeley. In 1706, Archdale published a description of his colony; he reported that the royal letter authorized the colony owner to establish nobility, that the latter, together with representatives of the lord-owners, constitute the upper house and that the lower house is elected by the people.
Each proprietary colony was characterized by specific system of governance which reflected the geographic factors and the lord proprietor personality. The colonies of Maryland and New York, based on English law and administration practices, were run effectively. But Carolina was mismanaged.
In 1729, the British government bought rights from the heirs of the lords-proprietors and the province became a royal colony.