Colin's answer suggests that he does not
does not yet understand the concept of conservation",</span>
Conservation is a term used for a quality of thinking. Jean Piaget
presented the theory that in the preoperational stage which is usually between
the ages of two to seven years the kids do not have this ability of
One reason is because of a gender gap. For example, if a someone (a women) collapse on the ground and isn't breathing, studies do show that women are most likely to die and not receive CPR because of their gender.
Hope this helps
Piensa antes de hablar. ...
Una vez que estés tranquilo, expresa tu enojo. ...
Haz ejercicio. ...
El potencial personal que tendría que poner en práctica las estrategias para manejar la ira es el siguiente.
Cuando esté enojado, haga algo de ejercicio porque la energía de la ira se usa en el ejercicio. No hable nada cuando esté en un estado de ira, hable solo cuando esté tranquilo y luego exprese su enojo. Ignora las cosas que aumentan tu ira.