Australia/Oceania is the smallest continent
The Maasai society is comprised of sixteen sections (known in Maasai as Iloshon)....Ildamat, Ilpurko, Ilkeekonyokie, Iloitai, Ilkaputiei, Ilkankere, Isiria, Ilmoitanik, Iloodokilani, Iloitokitoki, Ilarusa, Ilmatatapato, Ilwuasinkishu, Kore, Parakuyu, and Ilkisonko, also known as Isikirari (Tanzania's Maasai).
Earthquakes -the physical phenomena of ground shaking, surface fault rupture, and ground failure and, in some coastal areas, tsunamis. Smaller earthquakes, aftershocks, may follow the main shock, sometimes several hours, months, or even several years later.
Volcanoes-serious damage is restricted to small areas compared with the extent of damage from large floods or great earthquakes. Yet volcanic eruptions can take a high toll in human life and property.
According to the Aymaran calendar it is the year of 5,528.
There are lot of calendars around the world, some being widely used, some less, some only locally, and some can be considered as abandoned from one reason or another. One type of calendar that is used locally is the Aymaran calendar. This calendar is practiced only in parts of Bolivia, southern Peru, and northern Chile.
The Aymaran calendar is actually one of the oldest that is still in use. While the majority of the world has just celebrated the year of 2,020 according to the Gregorian calendar, the Aymaran is way upfront of it. According to this ancient calendar it is the year of 5,528, meaning that this calendar started off in the year of 3,508 BC. Despite the backlash of the Catholic Church in order to ban this calendar and the celebrations related to it, the people still manage to stand strong and keep their traditions alive.