1. Periodicity assumption.
2. Going concern assumption.
3. Historical cost principle.
4. Economic entity assumption.
5. Full disclosure principle.
6. Monetary unit assumption.
1. <u><em>Periodicity assumption</em></u>: The economic life of a business can be divided into artificial time periods. It is also known as the Time period assumption.
2. <em><u>Going concern assumption</u></em>: The business will continue in operation long enough to carry out its existing objectives.
3. <em><u>Historical cost principle</u></em>: Assets should be recorded at their acquisition cost.
4. <em><u>Economic entity assumption</u></em>: Economic events can be identified with a particular unit of accountability.
5. <em><u>Full disclosure principle</u></em>: Circumstances and events that could make a difference to financial statement users should be disclosed.
6. <em><u>Monetary unit assumption</u></em>: Only transaction data that can be expressed in terms of money should be included in the accounting records.