You just need a little bit of math to solve this. Add up the items and see which one would be equal to $55.00 or less.
A = $59.90 so this is not the answer
B = $60.94 so this is not the answer
C = $55.99 so this is not the answer
D = $50.97
D is the correct answer.
she can use the onscreen keyboard
this application is present in accessories file in the windows
Open this occurence and open the series is the two options to choose from, from the dialog box that shows when attempting to modify the appointments
nrToCheck = int(input("How many numbers do you need to check? "))
nrEven = 0
nrOdd = 0
for i in range(nrToCheck):
number = int(input("Enter number: "))
if (number % 2):
nrOdd = nrOdd + 1
print("{} is an odd number".format(number))
nrEven = nrEven + 1
print("{} is an even number".format(number))
print("You entered {} even number(s).".format(nrEven));
print("You entered {} odd number(s).".format(nrOdd));
Giga usually means 10^9
We're trying to work giba, which is 2^30 into the vocabulary to differentiate them because of the confusion and difference that they create.