Classical music wants to say words that are not enchanted in everyday life, leading listeners to experience something different and outside the reality to which they are accustomed.
According to the description of the power of language shown in the question above, we can infer that the language that classical music promotes has the power to make the listener transcend another reality. This is because the words emitted by classical music, allow the listener to disconnect from the everyday world, being taken to a transcendental and subjunctive region, where he will have experiences that the real world cannot provide.
Get closer to your subject to simplify the background
Crouch and photograph ur subject against the sky
Find reflections
Fill the frame with different colors
Plain backround
Fill with repeating diagonals or lines
B D# F# is the correct answer
If B is the root of the chord we know major chords are 1-3-5. the third note in the b scale is d# and the fifth is f#. I hope all is well, stay safe