a. when cultural identity and group boundaries are maintained while participation in political and economic institutions is conducted on an equal basis.
Equalitarian pluralism describes a society that embraces the all the cultural diversities within that society and treats everyone with equality regardless of their culture or beliefs. It is a direct opposite of inequalitarian pluralism where a group or society view diversity in culture as a degradation of a particular "cultural standard".
Answer 2 is the correct answer.
Diversification affects the population in terms of availability of resources and in turn affects their size, growth and movement.
- The terms diversification has various meanings, most commonly related to the diversity of life in earth and diversification divided the population on the basis of their characteristics as class, casts, and color.
- The diversification also impacts the regional ie areas of the density of population due to the large availability of resources and areas of low population density due to political instability, war, or diseases. Which impacts the health and wellbeing of the people.
operates under a set of rules and procedures
Bureaucracies are made up of experts, offices that perform tasks.
They are the instruments that enable the government to manage efficiently some essential functions.
Some may argue that their existence is obsolete, yet..
Bureaucrats have administrations for enforcing their own rules:
They also enable executive powers to be carried. Not only enforcing rules, but also creating rules. When people disobey the rules, bureaucracies punish for deviating from the norms.
The public policies are enforced by the bureaucracies, and although many and large bureaucracies may result, their existence is still needed for the governments to ensure that federal and state laws act in coordination.
Answer:Mindfulness Meditation
In Mindfulness meditation attention is paid to the surroundings i.e. where we are, what are we doing, sounds around us or thoughts i.e. quality of being Present. This Promotes calmness and a nonreactive state of mind by Practicing it regularly.
Here also client experiences match with the outcomes of mindfulness meditation i.e. calmness and high level of focus