The White Americans collided and fighted not only with the Indians but also with the Hispanic emigrants and the Chinese emigrants when they pushed to the west.
After the Mexican American war, the Hispanic emigrants got the chance to become the citizens of America but they were given the second class category of citizens. The distinctive and ethnic cultural group of the Chinese emigrant always strove to keep their rights.
In all these categories of emigrants, thew White Americans thought that they were superiors to these ethnic groups and morally exploited their labor and their lands. They also tried to curtailed the rights of these cultural groups.
But slowly discrimination and racism became law and gradually the American government and people tried to understand the cultural importance of these ethnic groups.
Neither the Chinese immigrants nor the Hispanic Americans could have withstand the assault on the rights of them by the tide of the white settlers. Ultimately, both the ethnic groups had retreated to the urban enclaves and tried o preserve their language as well as tradition.