For a sugar cube with a volume of about 1 cubic centimeter, you would need a box the size of one cubic meter to hold 1,000,000 sugar cubes.
The logic is that if one cube is one cubic centimeter, and you want to place one million of those into a box, then the box will have to be one million cubic centimeters in area. We take into account the area because this is the measurement that will allow us to know how much space is inside the box to be used.
However, a much simpler figure to use is to say that the box that you will need will have to measure one cubic meter. Now, while the normal conversion rate for a one-dimensional measurement between cm and meter is 100:1, this value will rise exponentially as we expand into multiple dimensions, such as 2D (width and length) and 3D (width, length, and height).
Given that the question is working in cubic measurements, we can infer that we are measuring in three dimensions, because of this, the conversion rate would be one million to one, meaning that one million cubic centimeters take up just one cubic meter of space. The box will have to measure one cubic meter.
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