I think it is the last one where the ankle got hurt because for me instead of reading what the character had self esteems about, I would rather get something to stop the player from playing the game to see what happens and the story be more of a page turner than me actually reading and kind of predicting what will happen next.
The loyalty of David’s men ran deep and David cherished these men. In 2 Samuel 23:13-17 we read about a time when David was hiding from Saul and probably having spent days without much water nor food said longingly how he wished to drink from the waters of Bethlehem. Bethlehem at the time was under the control of the Philistines, but when his men heard David’s words, three of them snuck through the Philistine lines to get that water for David.
David’s response to their generous act showed the love and appreciation he had for their sacrifice. Instead of drinking the water, he poured the water out to God. He felt that was the only way that he could honor how they had risked their lives to get him the water in the first place. His response showed the heart of David, a man after God’s own heart, and it stands in great contrast to his callous message to Joab after Uriah’s death many years later, “for the sword devours now one and now another.”As much as David was called to be king, David’s Mighty Men were called to support him. God used these men to help establish David’s kingdom. Like David, Uriah answered his call and was faithful to the end and played his part in bringing about God’s promise.
Even though this event with Uriah is tragic and definitely leaves a bad impression of David, I love that God has imperfect leaders. His imperfect heroes reminds us every day people that God’s requirement is not perfection. It reminds me that you do not have to wait to be perfect to serve his purposes. But I wanted to bring Uriah’s story to light, a lesser known and almost forgotten hero. He too was a leader of men, a great warrior, faithful to God, and faithful to his mission. He also was God’s faithful servant
A) Its articles are created by both experts and non-experts.
Multiple Spanish phrases were used throughput the text, and religion/art/ don't play a part either. Finally folklore, i don't see it at all.
Letter to sister giving her information about her new school and also advising her on how to behave well while in school.
Hamsford Avenue
New Jersey
01 August 2010
My dear sister,
First of all, a huge congratulations on getting into the school you've always wanted. Not only is that school my alma mater, but it is also one of the most prestigious schools in the whole state and I am so proud of you making it in.
There are some things that I would like you to know before you start school. And I want you to listen carefully and make it a point to try to remember them as much as you can.
First, the school's an old institution but that doesn't mean it is bad. On the contrary, it is so famous and good that it's still up and running till now. The institution helped a lot of famous faces grow up, and it is a good place to learn and be educated. The school has all of the facilities that one can find in a school and so, I would like you to try to make use of everything and expand your knowledge.
Moreover, the school also has some rules and regulations which may seem inappropriate. But it is for your good. Try to follow them and never deviate from it. The school's principal, Mr. Smith is also a good guy who is always ready to help the students with any of their grievances. So, don't hesitate to approach him, or other teachers too. They are all there to help you grow into a good person.
The school's reputation is one which you should try to emulate and it will help you in your future life too. But at the same time, try to experience and enjoy as much as you can.
I hope to visit you as soon as I can come there. Till then, take care and will be seeing you soon.
With lots of love,