dynamic pricing policy
Dynamic pricing is the strategy of offering different prices to different customers. This could be based on purchase situations, past purchase behaviors,order ,size,timing, demand and supply levels and other factors.
The java.util<span> includes the class date calendar and the </span>arraylist. This package contains a list of helpful classes and interfaces. These useful classes and interfaces are more important than the name of the package might imply. Many programs will find these things important.<span> </span>
Reconstruction last longest in <span>South Carolina</span>
I believe the answer is theoretical model
A theoretical model is the foundation that could be held to support a certain theory for a certain research or study.
From the example above, the study is build on a foundation that both behavior and environmental factor could affect the subjects' overall health
In a free enterprise system, the consumers decide over everything connected to buying the products, such as 1) which goods or services to buy at all 2) where and from whom to get those goods and services 3) how much to buy and 4) what is an acceptable prize for them.