Qatar terminated its membership on 1 January 2019. This means that, currently, the Organization has a total of 13 Member Countries. The OPEC Statute distinguishes between the Founder Members and Full Members - those countries whose applications for membership have been accepted by the Conference.
By trying to help them, and spread positivity, and just be kind to everybody. :D
The Great salt lake is salty due to a high rate or water evaporation in the desert climate
1. In this busy life, television can be the easiest source of entertainment. 2. By watching news channel, we get updated with the things going around the world. 3. Channels, like Discovery, gives information about Wild life. 4. Watching quiz shows can increase our knowledge. 5. By watching recipe channel, we can learn many recipes.
1. Adult scenes, frequently shown on television, will have bad effect on children's mind. 2. Children's who are addicted to watch television instead of playing outdoor games, are more prone to Obesity. 3. Watching television will have bad effect on our eyesight. 4. Due to television, we don't prefer to socialize with our friends and relatives. 5. If people relate their own story with some character, it can have bad impact on their own life.