Heck Tate, The Sheriff shared that Mayella Ewell was beaten all on the right side of her body.
Atticus proved that, since his left arm is useless, Tom Robinson could not have raped or killed Mayella. In a farming accident when he was a child, his left arm was hurt. If the bruise is on Mayella's right eye, she would have been struck by the person who hit her with their left hand. Tom is unable to use his left hand. He also shows later that Bob Ewell, Mayella's dad, is left handed, so he could have beaten Mayella when he saw her trying to kiss a black man, Tom Robinson.
Nya problem is that she has to walk through all the heat, thorns, and her time she would leave at noon and get back half of her morning .
Answer: D. Estella doesn't remember making him cry.
Book - <em>Great Expectations</em> by <em>Charles Dickens</em>
When Pip first met Estelle at Miss Havisham's house, Estelle was harsh to him and insulted him as they played cards by making fun of his coarse hands and boots. This made Pip cry as he ate his lunch.
When they reunite again at Miss Havisham's house in Chapter 29, Estelle has become a very beautiful woman but again she hurts Pip, this time unwittingly because she does so by not remembering that she had made him cry with her insults the first time they met at Miss Havisham's house.