The poem's theme is that man is the ultimate loser in the game of life. He says “all the world's a stage and “all the men and women merely its players”. Every player plays seven roles during his life. The first stage is that of an infant when he is helpless in his mother's arms.
There are kids of different ages, ethnicity’s, and genders meaning that anyone can be a target
They are all trapped inside a jar which symbolizes that they don’t have freedom and that they are being held there without a say
There is a barcode so that means that they arnt treated as people instead they are objects because they can easily be bought
Answer: C. Selflessness.
According to Defoe, a servant's best quality is selflessness. The ideal of a servant in <em>Robinson Crusoe</em> is Friday. Friday is an indigenous person from the Caribbean. He is rescued by Crusoe, and becomes his servant. Friday is a key figure in the novel, and an example of the selflessness Defoe values. Friday is willing to give anything for Crusoe, and he even asks to be killed rather than being forced to leave the service of his master.
By mentioning visitors and railroad advertisements, Cobb highlights that the trees have brought a large number of tourists to the city.