The Aztec religion incorporated deities from multiple cultures into its pantheon. Ritual sacrifice played an essential role in the religious practice of the Aztecs, and they believed it ensured the sun would rise again and crops would grow
Classless society
Equal pay among citizens
Guaranteed income
Diminished responsibility
Diminished liability in criminal justice is a possible mitigation by argument under which offenders contend that if they violate the statute, they will not be considered entirely responsible for doing so because their intellectual capacities have been "reduced" or damaged. Decreased capability is a partial defense against charges which allow the defendant to behave in a specific mental state.
<u>Indeed, President Wilson was unsatisfied with settlement from the Central Powers and the signature of the Treaty of Versailles, beyond most of his fourteen points were accepted and included in the final document. He had territorial, economic and military reasons for that:</u>
<u>1. Territorial reasons:</u> he disagreed with Great Britain and France imperialist intentions and he was angry at the fact that some Germany's and Ottoman Empire's colonies passed to Great Britain and France (Alsace-Lorraine, Germany’s overseas colonies, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon), as territories in mandates.
<u>2. Economical reasons</u>: Wilson also wanted economic reparations to be given to France as France owed important money to the United States at that time.
<u>3. Military reasons:</u> According to the Treaty, the German army was to be reduced to 100,000 soldiers, armaments sufficient for such army and, to prevent the reserves reconstruction, officers were to serve for twenty-five years and men for twelve. However, President Wilson's concern was that only Germany was forced to disarmament and other countries were not treated the same way.
The <em>Chernobyl nuclear power station is situated in the north of Ukraine, close to that country's present boundary with Belarus</em>, the closest of the former Soviet states, and where the remnants of the Communist regime survive today.
Radiation impacted 23% of the land of Belarus</em>. During the incident, <em>70% of the radioactive substances released by the facility ended in the land of Belarus.
As a consequence of the catastrophe, <em>135,000 Belarusians have been evacuated from their homes and moved elsewhere, </em>with radioactivity affecting many.