It dosent say anything....
Fresh as a daisy
Hopped like a rabbit
Ran like the wind
Like a baby
Good as gold
As tough as a tiger
As dry as dust
As blind as a bat
As light as
As quick as
Like a baby
Like a fish
Like a fish
Like a lion
As dead as
As free as
1. Best friend
2. After the devastation
3. On the horizon
4. very quickly
5. in the kitchen
1. He eats bananas
2. Alex speaks loudly
3. Marie likes cats.
4. I want some cereal.
5. Before you go to bed
1. I ate dinner.
2. We had a three-course meal.
3. The train was late.
4. Does he play tennis?
5. Water freezes at 0°C.
Hope this helps :)