This statement is true. because the fish in the ocean have over the years learned to adapt and hide from predators.
Knysna Lourie is naturally found in mature evergreen forests of southern and eastern South Africa, and Swaziland. Although it can vary, and answer of a possible biome can be the Savannahs found in south Africa.
<span>How many openings are in the digestive system of flatworms? Answer: 1
Flatworms digestive system is called 2-way which mean the same opening is used for eat and removing waste. That's why it only has one opening. Human system is one way since we eat from the mouth and remove waste from the anus.</span>
Las células eucariotas son muy diversas en forma, forma y función. Sin embargo, algunas características internas y externas son comunes a todos. Estos incluyen una membrana plasmática (celular), un núcleo, mitocondrias, orgánulos unidos a la membrana interna y un citoesqueleto.