Social contract theory
"government serves the will of the people"
An example of this type of mixture is sugar in water. Here the sugar dissolves fully to give a clear solution. In this example, sugar is the solute and water is the solvent.
Emil Kraepelin, a German Psychiatrist, may be considered as the grandfather of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM). Before the DSM was published, he had already an attempt of classifying mental illnesses by grouping its similar symptoms. He had developed a system to make distinctions of different disorders. He believed that biology and genetics have a key role in mental illnesses. This concept became the basis of the DSM-III, which is quite different from earlier versions that are pyschodynamically oriented.
is a change in quantity demanded as price changes. When something gets
cheaper, we have extra money left over in which we might buy more of
that item.</span>