Answer:El presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos es el titular del poder ejecutivo de dicho país. Es, a la vez, jefe de Estado y jefe de gobierno.23 Asimismo, es el comandante supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas.45
Es elegido mediante voto directo y universal. Una vez electo, entra en funciones el 1º de diciembre del año de la elección.n. 1 Su cargo dura un periodo de seis años, sin posibilidad de reelección;6ni siquiera en el caso de haberlo desempeñado como interino, provisional o sustituto. El cargo de presidente de la República solo es renunciable por causa grave, que deberá ser calificada por el Congreso de la Unión.78 En caso de muerte, destitución o renuncia, asume de manera inmediata y provisional el cargo el Secretario de Gobernación (si la ausencia es el día de la toma de posesión, sería el presidente del Senado, el mandatario provisional), después, con las reservas que contempla la constitución, corresponde al Congreso nombrar un sustituto o interino.
El cargo existe desde su inclusión en la Constitución de 1824, siendo su primer titular Guadalupe Victoria desde el 10 de octubre de aquel año. En suma 65 individuos ocuparon en 106 periodos distintos la presidencia de la república, ya fuera de manera constitucional, provisional, interina, sustituta o incluso de facto; estos números causados en gran medida por la constante inestabilidad vivida por el país en su primer siglo de vida independiente. De tal manera, que en esa primer centuria, solo cuatro mandatarios concluyeron el periodo constitucional para el que fueron elegidos.9
Vietnam was the colony of the French Empire from 1862 until 1949. During the Second World War, Vietnam was occupied by Japan. After the capitulation of Japan, Viet Minh national independence coalition seized Hanoy in August 1945 and established a provisional or better-known internal government. Viet Minh was considered by the Communist Party of Vietnam as a kind of national independent front.
According to the 1954 Geneva Agreement, Vietnam is divided into two parts - North and South.
In 1955, a referendum was held in the southern part, which is known as perhaps the biggest fraud ever. Ngô Đình Diệm the coalition leader, along with the former emperor, won 98.2% of the vote. Voters were forced to wear voter papers in different colors: for and against the coalition.
Anyone who had color paper against the coalition would have been beaten, tortured.
After the referendum, the southern part became the Republic of Vietnam and the northern Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
India has long been a British colony. After the Indians assistance to the British in the First World War, reforms were carried out in 1919, which gave India the right to self-legislation. This made the first move towards autonomy. This led to the strengthening of the two parties within the Assembly, which continued with the division: the Indian National Congress, led by Jawaharlal Nehru and the Muslim League under Muhammad Ali Jinnah. After many divergences, incidents and killings, there is a separation on India and Pakistan according to the Mountbatten Plan.
It can be concluded that Vietnam is much more violent and rebellious, India is more diplomatic, although there were equally killing.
1. Washington recognizes that it is natural for people to organize and operate within groups such as political parties, but he also argues that every government has recognized political parties as an enemy and has sought to repress them because of their tendency to seek more power than other groups and to take revenge on political opponents
hope this helps! <3
Answer: D
Explanation: The United States, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, Thailand and other anti-communist allies all helped South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. I would choose the U.S. for this question though.
Texas is a large state with a wealth of energy resources and leads the nation in energy production. The state provides more than one-fifth of U.S. domestically produced energy.