<em>How do you think Voltaire's trip to England was a turning point for him and for the Enlightenment? </em>
He was influed by the freedom (by the time's standards) he found in England comparing to France.
<em>Why do you think Denis Diderot said that an intolerant man is an evil man? Do you agree? Explain your answer. </em>
Yes, I agree. Because to be intolerant means not to listen to the other side and acknowldege their right to have a different opinion, this can lead to de-humanization of the opponent to the point of justifying any evil act towards him/her.
<em>Why do you think the philosophes never recognized their own prejudices about women? </em>
Maybe they are the product of their time, they are humans, and as any normal human being they are/were failable. Sometimes they could see things that no-one had ever seen before but sometimes they failed to acknowledge their mistakes and their times' mistakes.
A. True
B. Pardon
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Answer: C
Explanation: they do not always generate immediate financial gains to the organization. It take a while for it to have that awareness needed to grow the company.
Answer: control
Explanation: When project managers reduce the intensity of the conflict by smoothing over differences or interjecting humor when dysfunctional conflict arises, they are attempting to control the conflict.