- sporangia , zygospore
- Basidiomycota
- hyphae, mycellium
- lichen
- mycorrhiza
- Ascomycota
1. Zygomycetes reproduce asexually through the haploid spores formed in sporangia, or sexually through diploid nuclei formed in zygospore.
2. Basidiomycota are called club fungi because they produce club-shaped reproductive structures like toadstools.
3. The vegetative body of most fungi is called a hyphae, which consists of an interwoven mass of threadlike filaments called mycelium.
4. A lichen is a symbiotic association between a fungus and a single-celled alga or cyanobacteria. The fungus protects the photosynthesizer from harsh conditions while consuming the extra nutrients it produces.
5. A mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a plant. The fungus receives energy-rich sugar molecules produced by the plant while passing minerals and nutrients from the soil to the root.
6. Ascomycota, also known as sac fungi, include morels, yeasts, and the species that produces penicillin.
A. Burning natural gas
A liquid changing to gas is called boiling or evaporation.A gas change into a solid is called deposition and a gas changing into a liquid is called condensation.half of these are endothermic, meaning they absorb heat from their surroundings.the others are exothermic,meaning they release heat. Hope this helps
It can be C or D but I think the answer is D
Commensalism is when one organism benefits and the other doesn't benefit and is also not harmed. The tree is helping the orchid and the orchid isn't benefiting or harming the tree.