Elements: H (hydrogen) He (helium) Li (lithium) Be (beryllium) B (boron)
compounds: H2O (water) H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide) NsHCO3 (baking soda) NaCI (salt)
Element compound or mixture?: 1. Element 2. compound 3. Mixture of elements 4. mixture of compounds 5. mixture of elements and compounds.
Rewrite the sentences:
1. all matter is made up of tiny particles calles atoms and molecules
2. right
3. right
4. compounds are chemically joined together
task 2:
1. i know this is element
2. i know this is compound
3. i know this is mixture
task 3:
In this lesson i have learned that Atoms are in everything and are what makes up most of the stuff on earth. They are tiny molecules that make up me and everything around me. I have also learned that atoms are made up of Elements. Elements are chemical molecules that make up things like the air we breathe. However, when more than one element joins together a compound is formed. Compounds make up more physical things around me such as drinking water and salt for cooking. When many different compounds are joined together a mixture is formed. An example of a mixture can be sand and water.
I'm sorry. I wanted to try and answer the question but I can't because it isn't clear.
The right answer is the activation energy.
The catalyst increases the reaction rate by introducing new reaction paths (mechanism), and lowering its activation energy, or activation Gibbs free energy. By doing this it can increase the speed, or lower the temperature of the reaction. It is important to note that the catalyst does not alter the total Gibbs free energy of the reaction which is a system state function and therefore has no effect on the equilibrium constant.