Answer:These smaller pieces of rock (such as sand, silt, or mud) can be deposited as sediments that, after hardening, or lithifying, become sedimentary rocks. Extreme pressure from burial, increasing temperature at depth, and a lot of time, can alter any rock type to form a metamorphic rock.
Well first off we need to check the relationship between the country’s and if any delays are happening during the process of the transportation of the trade. You would also need security and background checks between the traders and the trades being traded and transported to another country. We would also need to know what things to ship and not to ship and make sure everything is safe to be traded.
The Great Divide is the physical region of North America which runs the greatest distance from North to South, it runs along the spine of the <span>mountains from Alaska to South America. It is also known as the Continental Divide of the Americas, going from the Behring Strait to the Strait of Magellen, and covers the Rocky Mountains to the Andes, it is known for being the highest elevation.</span>
The drawing of the boundaries in the manner of the interest of the European colonial powers resulted in very big problems once the African countries were granted independence.
The problems were mostly because people from the same ethnic groups were separated by borders, but were in the same ones with people from other ethnic groups, usually historical rivals with whom they had bad relations. Also, the religious factor had a big influence, as there were multiple countries were some parts were predominantly of one religion, and other parts of other religion, and that brought in even more tensions.
That has resulted in instability, constant tensions, civil wars, terrorist organizations, separatist movements, genocides, pretty much everything that is not supposed to happen for a country to prosper.